I received an email that my item was ordered from the distributor. What does that mean?

If you received an email stating that your item was ordered from the distributor, this means the item is either on Backorder or is a Pre-order/Advanced order item. The email notifications are sent out every 2 weeks, as a reminder that you still have an item or items on order. You are not charged until your order has shipped.

Backorder items are listed on booksamillion.com as "On Order. Usually ships in 2-4 weeks" or may have an "Earliest ship date". These items must be obtained from the publisher or distributor so the warehouses can fulfill orders placed. 

*If the back-order is not able to be fulfilled by the publisher or distributor in the 2-4 week time, the item(s) may be extended for another 2-4 week period or canceled. You will receive an automated email when the status changes (extending back-order, cancelation, or shipping the item). 

Pre-order/Advanced order items are shipped when they are released by the publisher.

*Please note: Due to shipping delays, we are unable to estimate an arrival date for back-orders.


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