Books purchased from the New & Used Marketplace come from a network of different sellers we have teamed with to offer you books that may be hard to find or are no longer in print.
Items in the New & Used Marketplace can ship from all across the world! If an item is shipping from an international seller, shipping time may be delayed to allow time for the item to reach the marketplace vendor from the seller. Then, the item is inspected, processed, and shipped to you!
To search the Marketplace for a particular book or author Click Here
Each book listed on the Marketplace has a description provided by the seller, so you will find variations in how each book is described. The condition of each item can vary as well and will be displayed at the bottom of each listing:
The condition of the Marketplace book will be one of the following:
New: Item is brand new, unused and unmarked, in flawless condition.
Fine/Like New: No defects, little usage. May show remainder marks. Older books may show minor flaws.
Very Good: Shows some signs of wear and is no longer fresh. Attractive.
Good: Average used book with all pages present. Possible loose bindings, highlighting, cocked spine, or torn dust jackets.
Fair: Obviously well-worn, but no text pages missing. It may be without endpapers or title page. Markings do not interfere with readability.
Poor: All text is legible, but pages may show signs of wear, such as marked, highlighted, or yellowed pages. The book's cover and binding may show wear or cracked damage. Reading copies and binding copies fall into this category.
Details regarding specific markings or damage to the item will be specified in the description section above the condition.
*Items from the New & Used Marketplace do not include tracking.
**Please note Marketplace Items are non-returnable.
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