What Are the eBook System Requirements?

System Requirements for Adobe Digital Editions for Windows®

Operating Systems:

  • Windows 7
  • Windows 10
  • Windows Vista
  • Windows XP SP2
  • Microsoft Windows 2000 with Service Pack 4

Supported Browsers:

  • Internet Explorer® 6 (or newer)
  • Firefox® 2 (or newer)

Additional Software:

  • Windows Vista (or newer) requires Adobe Flash Player v9.0.28 (or newer)
  • Windows XP and Windows 2000 require Adobe Flash Player v7.0 (or newer)

System Requirements for Adobe Digital Editions for Macintosh®

Operating Systems:

  • Mac OS X® v10.6
  • Mac OS X v10.5
  • Mac OS X v10.4.10

Supported Browsers:

  • Safari 2.0.4 (or newer)
  • Firefox 2.0 (or newer)

Additional Software:

  • Adobe® Flash® Player 8 (or newer)

*Our ebooks are not compatible with Nook, Macbooks, or any device that cannot support Adobe Digital Editions.

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