How Do I Update My Payment Method For My Order?

If you've received an email notification from us instructing you to update your payment method, follow these steps to ensure your order is corrected and we will have your item shipped as soon as possible:

  1. Log into your account. If you do not have an account, you will need to create one. Click HERE to find out how.
  2. Once signed in, click My Account at the top, then Payment.
  3. Next, you can 'Edit Card' to update saved card information, 'Delete Card', or 'Add a Card' to enter new information.
  4. Once you are finished with that, click Order History to view your orders.
    • *The default view is 60 Days History.
    • If your order is older than 60 days, you will need to change the view to 90 days, 6 months, or 12 months.
    • If your order is older than 12 months, please contact customer service at
  5. Once you locate the correct order, click 'Details'.
  6. Next to the billing information, click 'Choose a Different Credit Card'.
  7. Choose the new card, then click 'Save'.
  8. Your payment method will update and you'll receive an email confirmation when your order is on its way! *If your order is in card error, item shipment may be delayed once corrected since these must be re-processed in the warehouse.
  9. If you receive an error or do not see your order update, please contact customer service at *New card information can only be taken via phone for security.

You are welcome to call us at 1-800-201-3550 and we will be glad to assist you.

Phone hours:

Monday-Friday from 9 AM to 5 PM CST

Saturday-Sunday, closed

*Please Note: At the time that your order is placed a temporary authorization verifying and holding available funds is provided by your financial institution. Although authorizations are not actual charges or debits, they can reduce the available balance in your account, typically for 24-72 hours, (the exact policies and time frames are dependent on your individual bank or credit card issuer)

You are not actually charged for your order until the product has been shipped to you. In the case of orders which require multiple shipments, you will be charged for only the product that is included in each individual package, as it is shipped to you.


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