What does Card Error mean?

If you received an email notification about a card error or see Card Error as your order status, we have encountered difficulty processing your credit/debit card or PayPal payment.

This could be because: 

  • The debit or credit card has expired
  • The debit/credit card has reached its spending limit
  • Addresses do not match (on this account the address does match)
  • Your bank declined the transaction for a reason unknown to us

Your order will be held for 5 business days from the date of the failed charge.

If this is not corrected during that time, your order will be canceled. 


Click HERE to see how to update your payment information.

You may also contact Customer Service at 1-800-201-3550 to update your payment.

Phone hours:

Monday-Friday from 9 AM to 5 PM CST

Saturday-Sunday, closed

*Card information must be taken care of via phone for security purposes. Payment information cannot be taken via email or chat.

Please Note: At the time that your order is placed a temporary authorization verifying and holding available funds is provided by your financial institution. Although authorizations are not actual charges or debits, they can reduce the available balance in your account, typically for 24-72 hours, (the exact policies and time frames are dependent on your individual bank or credit card issuer)

You are not actually charged for your order until the product has been shipped to you. In the case of orders which require multiple shipments, you will be charged for only the product that is included in each individual package, as it is shipped to you.

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